Avery Receives Distinguished Service Award
The Madison Area Chamber of Commerce recently honored Liz Avery, Human Resources & Administration Manager at East River Electric Power Cooperative, with the Distinguished Service Award. The award is given to a Chamber Member who shows positive leadership skills and willingness to serve the Chamber and the greater Madison area and community. Avery served on the Chamber Board of Directors for six years and held the position of Board President for the last two years. She has shown outstanding service to the Madison community. “I am honored and humbled to be recognized by my peers for service that I’ve not viewed as something distinguished at all,” said Avery. “It’s been an honor and a ton of fun meeting new people and working together to achieve our common goals and to have a positive impact on our community–this place we call home!” Travis Olson, Transmission Manager at East River, currently serves on the Madison Chamber Board of Directors and presented the award to Liz.