Paul Lambert Nominated to Chair National UTC Board
In June, energy and water utility representatives across the U.S. nominated a new slate of officers to lead the Utilities Technology Council (UTC), effective through June 2022. During UTC’s June 21 Board of Directors meeting, UTC board members nominated Paul Lambert of East River Electric Power Cooperative as its new Chairman, Dewey Day of Pacific Gas & Electric as Vice Chair, and Kirt Mayson of NorthWestern Energy as Secretary/Treasurer. If confirmed by UTC’s membership in August, each will serve in these capacities until UTC’s June 2022 Telecom & Technology Annual Conference.
“Telecom and technology play an ever-increasing role in the quantity and quality of services provided to the end consumers of the utility industry,” said Lambert. “UTC is uniquely positioned to help ensure the safe and reliable delivery of critical services. I want to thank East River for their dedicated support of these efforts over the years and especially going forward during my tenure as Chairman of the Board. I am looking forward to continuing the mission of the UTC.”
UTC is the global association at the nexus of the energy, utility and telecommunications industries. Representing energy and water providers of all sizes and ownership structures, UTC advocates for the information and communications technology (ICT) needed for the safe and reliable delivery of these vital services. The new officers have assumed their roles on an acting basis their nominations are subject to confirmation during the Aug. 22-27 UTC Annual Telecom & Technology Meeting.
“Congratulations to Acting Chair Lambert, Acting Vice Chair Day, and Acting Secretary/Treasurer Mayson,” said UTC President and CEO Sheryl Osiene-Riggs. “Once again, the UTC Board of Directors has nominated a slate of leaders who will continue to push us forward. Acting Chair Lambert has been involved with UTC for decades and I am excited about the next year and beyond. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank and salute Immediate Past Chair Angst. I am so thankful for his leadership and support.”
Lambert is a supervisor in the Telecommunications Department at East River Electric Power Cooperative in Madison, S.D., where his direct responsibilities are mobile trunked radio, SCADA, load management, multiple wireless systems and their associated antenna systems, and standby generator backups. He has worked in the utility telecommunications field for more than four decades. He is a graduate of Lake Area Technical College in Watertown, S.D., with a degree in Electronics/Communications. He holds a First Class Federal Communications Commission Operators License and is a certified tower climber. Chairman Lambert previously served on the Advisory Board for the electronics program at LATI and served on the Lake County 911 Communications committee.
Chairman Lambert has been an active participant in UTC’s Region 5 for many years and is a past officer and Chairman. He currently serves on the International Board of Directors for the Knights of Columbus. He and his wife Julie are the parents of four adult children and have five grandchildren.