
Jeff Genzer, President at Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer, & Pembroke, P.C. law office was awarded East River Electric Power Cooperative’s highest honor, the Eminent Service Award, during the organization’s 74th annual meeting September 4, 2024, in Sioux Falls. The award is given annually to individuals who have made significant contributions to East River and the cooperative movement.

Jeff was recognized for his nearly four-decade-long career that has been dedicated to energy and environmental law. During his almost 40 years in his current position and during his prior tenure serving as staff counsel for the National Governor’s Association, he’s demonstrated commitment to and has worked hard to protect and advocate in the best interest of rural electric cooperatives and their member-owners.

He has demonstrated legislative advocacy and handled litigation efforts on behalf of cooperatives, appearing before various courts and federal agencies including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Jeff’s contributions to utilities and the cooperative cause have been significant, impacting state and local governments and initiatives across the nation.

Throughout his career, he’s served as general counsel for several key energy organizations and currently serves as general counsel to the National Association of Energy Service Companies, the National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association, and the Energy Programs Consortium. He has worked with East River Electric for many years through his role with the Mid-West Electric Consumers Association, helping cooperatives access low-cost hydropower from the nation’s dams.

“In recognition of your 38 years of service to electric cooperatives across the country, the East River Electric board of directors thanks you for your service to the cooperative movement and for your leadership in advancing and protecting rural electrification,” said East River Electric CEO and General Manager Bob Sahr. “Your work has helped to power the lives of millions of consumers across our region and around the country.”

In addition to his advocacy and dedicated work in the legal field, Jeff has made a positive difference through service in the Peace Corps, where he contributed to many development projects and served as the first energy planner in Micronesia.