

Keep up-to-date on industry news and the latest happenings at East River.

Scholar of the Year Banquet Held in Brookings

Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives in eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota honored some of the area’s most impressive high school seniors Saturday, April 27, during the 22nd Annual Touchstone Energy Scholar of the Year Banquet and recognition held at McCrory...

Julia Trygstad Receives $1,000 Basin Electric Scholarship

  Julia Trygstad of Nunda is the recipient of a $1,000 scholarship from Basin Electric Power Cooperative based in Bismarck, N.D. She is the daughter of Karen and Eric Trygstad. Basin Electric awards over 170 scholarships per year to children of member cooperative...

Thanksgiving Food Drive a Success!

East River employees participated in a Thanksgiving food drive for the Lake County Food Pantry. Employees donated a combination of groceries and cash to provide 24 complete Thanksgiving meals for local families. The meals included turkeys, dressing, potatoes and...